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Guaranteed SEO Tips For a Top 10 Search Engine Ranking in 2016

When a client starts working with a SEO firm, he gets nothing in returns but a statement of works at the end of the month along with some fancy reporting about the working hours paid out on link building, submission of the articles and some apparently important search engine optimization works. But what the client deserves is to get the guarantee of top 10 ranking that only some of the SEO firms assure while other don’t. The first thing about the relationship between the client and the SEO company is trust that is placed in the hands of the company to get the best page ranking results. The keep the clients’ trust the SEO companies have to give a thorough and constant effort in order to achieve top ranking. Here are some criteria or important tips you may use to get the top 10 ranking for your website. 1. Getting References from a number of Previous Clients The reputable SEO company should provide the list of their previous clients with pride as this is all about their reputation. This is always suggested to ask the previous the clients how long that particular company has taken time to obtain results and whether they are able to hold the ranking for the long term. 2. No Payment for Up Front Good SEO companies cannot charge you as setup costs or for other impractical administration costs. For coming up with a detailed analysis you the site and creating a proposal, a seasoned SEO needs not more than an hour. These kinds of costs should not be borne by the clients. So it is suggested no to pay for any kinds of report up front or site review. 3. Mentioning about the Specific Ranking Results for Google Still now Google ranks as no.1 for the online searches with more than 60% of the entire global search market. Therefore the client should not accept the guarantee about the top ranking on Yahoo, Bing or MSN in the contract apart from Google. The client simply has to mention that his or her centre of attraction is the Google natural results. 4. Verification of the Ranking Independently The client should always verify at the initial stage about the ranking report generation tool that the SEO company is using. The results and history of his or her website ranking should be available at any time so that they can be checked on the regular basis. 5. Duration of a SEO Guarantee The client needs to clarify about the duration for how many days in a month the top 10 or top 5 ranking will be guaranteed. He or she should ask for at least 15 days of each calendar month for sighting the top 10 or top 5 ranking. 6. Not to Pay for all SEO fees Only in the First Month The client should pay over the SEO fees for minimum 6 months as long as his site will remain on the top 10 search ranking on Google. If the site ever drops from the first page on Google for more than 15 days, the client should not pay the entire fees rather roll over the contract terms for another month. 7. SEO Company’s Transparency The client should the very information about everything in details what the SEO company is going to do to get the top raking on Google. The client should ask to see the contract specific reference for and permanent links only.

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